Financially Legal is a twice-monthly podcast with accompanying articles on the financial aspects of the business of law. Host, Dan Lear, talks with law firm leaders, academics, business professionals and thought leaders to provide compelling and provocative insights at the intersection of finance, economics, and law.

Confido Legal Release Notes - June 2024

Posted by Stephanie Watanabe on June 27, 2024

This release contains transaction Deposit IDs and updates to Stored Payment Methods.

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Topics: Product Updates

Confido Legal Release Notes - May 2024

Posted by Stephanie Watanabe on May 15, 2024

This release contains Transaction Webooks, suppressing different kinds of automated receipts and pre-filling Standing Links.

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Topics: Product Updates

Confido Legal Release Notes - April 2024

Posted by Stephanie Watanabe on April 24, 2024

This release contains updates related to paymentMethod, subscription timezones and sandbox testing. There are no breaking changes.

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Topics: Product Updates

Confido Legal Release Notes - March 2024

Posted by Stephanie Watanabe on March 6, 2024

This release includes a new status field on the Firm object and new webhooks. There is one breaking change.

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Confido Legal Release Notes - February 2024

Posted by Stephanie Watanabe on February 20, 2024

This release includes updates to Hosted Onboarding and addClient. There are no breaking changes.

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Topics: Product Updates

Confido Legal Release Notes - January 2024 Part II

Posted by Emery Wager on January 26, 2024

There is one significant update in this release and no breaking changes. See below for details. 

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Topics: Product Updates

The Release Notes - January 2024

Posted by Emery Wager on January 15, 2024

Happy new year! There are three main updates and no breaking changes in this latest release. See below for details. 

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The Release Notes - October 31st, 2023

Posted by Emery Wager on October 31, 2023

Expanded transaction handling in GraphQL API. 

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The Release Notes - October 2023

Posted by Emery Wager on October 10, 2023

This month we have some significant updates to our GraphQL API. 

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Topics: Product Updates

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