Have you ever been caught in the middle of a case with no idea what your client is thinking? Take this opportunity to get inside the mind of a CEO who's been there.
In this virtual event, Diana Siri Breaux, partner at Summit Law Group in Seattle, interviews CEO Dan Price of Gravity Payments to uncover the answers to these and many other questions:
What are the most and least helpful strategies lawyers have used during the various legal issues Gravity Payments has faced, including the defense of the controversial $70,000 minimum wage?
How can lawyers help their clients' better weigh their options?
What information is crucial to help business leaders make decisions at key moments in a case, and what is just noise?
How can lawyers enable business leaders to engage their creativity and safely operate outside the confines of business status quo.
Our goal is for you to come away from this event inspired, informed and armed with key insights to help you dive into the mind of your clients and achieve great outcomes. Register Here