Buy now pay later for law firms

The Law Firm Third-Party Client Finance Decoder

We at Confido Legal strongly believe that firms and clients benefit most when firms offer clients a variety of options to pay. Firms invest significant dollars to get clients in the door. It’s a waste of those resources to have a would-be paying client walk out the door simply because the firm doesn’t offer payment plans (i.e. doesn’t want to be the client’s bank), the client doesn’t have a credit card, or because the firm won’t offer third-party funding.

That’s why we're pleased to announce the Confido Legal Third-Party Finance Decoder. The decoder will help you quickly find the rules and opinions related to Buy Now, Pay Later in your particular state so you can better understand the benefits of offering financing options to your clients. Just fill out the form below and we'll send a copy to you.


Let us help reduce the cost and improve the client experience associated with accepting payments.

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