This article details per transaction limitations for credit card and debit card processing through Confido Legal.
When you set up an account with Confido Legal to accept credit and/or debit card payments, there are limits established per transaction. These limits ensure your firm can support potential refunds or disputes for large-dollar transactions.
Default per transaction limits are as follows:
- Normal Default Limit: $99,999.95 per transaction limitation. No single transaction can exceed that amount.
- Higher Default Limit: $999,999.95 per transaction limitation. No single transaction can exceed that amount.
There are no restrictions on the number of transactions you can make in a single day or over a specified period; the only limitation is the maximum amount allowed for each individual transaction as stated above. For example, a firm could have five separate $99,999.95 transactions on the Normal Default Limit, which would be fine, as long as any individual transaction did not exceed the per transaction limit.
Transaction Holds can occur for credit and debit card payments. Transaction Holds are temporary holds placed on payments that significantly vary from the firm’s average or typical processing patterns. If a transaction occurs right at the limits listed above, a Transaction Hold can occur if that varies from the from the firm’s average or typical processing patterns.
If you're new to Confido Legal or an existing client and you want to know your card limits, you can contact for this information.