Gravity Legal Lean Law Workflow

Legal-ize QuickBooks with Confido Legal and LeanLaw

Many law firms use QuickBooks as their accounting solution. Some firms even use QuickBooks to send invoices. But QuickBooks as a complete time-keeping and billing solution?

This is where LeanLaw steps in. LeanLaw is a cloud-based timekeeping, billing, trust accounting and reporting software that customizes QuickBooks Online and QuickBooks Online Advanced for law firms. 

LeanLaw smooths the QuickBooks workflows, eliminates the hacks required to "legal-ize" QuickBooks and provides data transparency and data insights not available in QuickBooks. 

Now LeanLaw is even more powerful with a direct integration to Confido Legal. LeanLaw clients can now send trust deposit requests directly from LeanLaw, allowing clients to pay those requests by credit card, debit card or bank transfer (ACH). All payments are automatically recorded in QuickBooks. 

With tens of thousands of lawyers already using QuickBooks to manage their books, LeanLaw is meeting lawyers where they already are. This integration allows lawyers to leverage the power of LeanLaw and the ease, simplicity, and compliance of accepting electronic trust payments through Confido Legal. 


Want more information on how Confido Legal and LeanLaw work together? See this page.


Let us help reduce the cost and improve the client experience associated with accepting payments.

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