This article will outline how clients use Payment Links to pay your firm.
- First Create a Payment Link.
Send the Payment Link to the Client
- Once the Payment Link is created, you can send the link to the client using your regular email method or include the link on your invoice.
- Click the link icon to copy the full URL string. You can then paste this full URL string in an email or invoice.
- Click the copy icon to copy the Payment Button code. You can then paste the code in an email to display the Pay Now button.
- Click the link icon to copy the full URL string. You can then paste this full URL string in an email or invoice.
Make a Payment
- Now that you have sent the Payment Link to the client, the client can click the link to be taken to the payment page.
- The client can pay the full amount due or select Pay another amount and enter a lesser amount. The client cannot pay more than the total due for the link.
- If multiple payment methods are permitted for this link, the client will be prompted to select a payment method. Depending on the payment method selected, the client will be prompted to enter either card or bank account information.
- If surcharging is enabled and the client enters a credit card number, a notice will be shown with the surcharge amount and a new total.
- After the client clicks Complete Payment, they will see a page confirming their successful transaction and corresponding amounts.
- A receipt with this information will be emailed to the client at the email address they submitted.
- The firm will receive an email alert for each completed payment. You can update the email alert setting by navigating to Settings > Firm Settings > Payment Notifications.
Please note: If surcharging is enabled, the surcharge will always be added to the operating amount, even if that surcharge was a result of amounts due on the trust account. If the link has no operating amount designated, the payment will be split, and the surcharge amount will be processed as a separate transaction. All surcharges are deposited into the operating account before being withdrawn for monthly processing fees.