How to generate an API Token for your Confido Legal Account to connect it to an applicable integration.
Login to Confido Legal via our new app URL (Beta)
- Go to:
- Use your existing username and password to login.
- Only firm Admins, not Users, will be able to generate an API Token.
Settings>API Tokens
- Go to Settings.
- Go to the API Tokens tab.
- Click Create Firm API Token.
- Enter a Nickname.
- Click Create.
Your new API Token is created
- Your new API Token is created and displayed in a temporary window.
- For security reasons, the API Token window is only displayed once.
- You will need to generate a new token if you lose the one immediately displayed.
Please note: Copy the token and save it before closing.
- Now, the API Token can be pasted into any integration that requires access to your firm's Confido Legal Account.